Sanasto (englanti)
Some of the interface text in Estonian and Finnish is machine-translated
Termi englanti | Termi venäjäksi | Termi viron kielellä | Termi suomeksi | Termin merkitys | Valokuva |
Periphyton | Перифитон (также обрастание) | Pealiskasv, perifüüton | Perifyton | (also Fouling) Species (microorganisms, animals and plants) associated with hard substates (either natural or artificial). Formation of fouling occurs to start from macromolecular layer and to end with colonization by free-living stages of plants and benthic animals. Sessile animals and plants form the nucleus of this association. |
pH | pH (водородный показатель) | pH | pH | A measure of acidity or alkalinity. Numbers below 7.0 are acidic, above alkaline and pH 7.0 is neutral. However, pH 4 is ten times more acidic than pH 5 and 100 times more acidic than pH 6. |
Phanerogam | Цветковые растения | Seemnetaimed | Siemenkasvi | Plants that produce seeds (also known as spermatophytes). |
Phanerogam meadow | Заросли погруженной высшей водной растительности («подводные луга») | Veealused niidud | Vedenalainen niitty | Extended or patchy areas of seagrass, characteristic of shallow, tropicalto temperate seas. Meadows are usually dominated by eelgrass Zostera marina in the Baltic Sea but among Zostera patches several other phanerogam species coexist, such as members from genera Zannichellia, Ruppia and Potamogeton. In the Eastern GoF the meadows are usually formed by other vascular plants (Zannichellia, Ruppia, Potamogeton species) due to low salinity. Also known as underwater meadow. |
Photic zone | Фотическая зона (эвфотическая зона) | Valgusvöönd, eufootne vöönd | Veden valoisa kerros | See Euphotic zone |
Physiognomy | Физиогномия, внешний вид | Füsiognoomika | Fysionomia | The apparent characteristics, outward features, or appearance of ecological communities. |
Phytoplankton | Фитопланктон | Fütoplankton, taimhõljum | Kasviplankton | Very small or microscopic free-floating algae that drift in sunlit surface waters. |
Plankton | Планктон | Plankton | Plankton, keijusto | Small or microscopic aquatic plants and animals that are suspended freely in the water column; they drift passively and cannot move against the horizontal motion of the water (contrast with nekton that are capable of horizontal movement). Planktic animals (zooplankton) include small protozoans and the eggs and larvae of larger animals. Some migrate vertically in the water column each day (diel vertical migration). Phytoplankton including diatoms, cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates and coccolithophores are planktic primary producers. |
Plateau | Плато | Platoo | Ylätasanko, ylänkö | In geography, an elevated plain, tableland, or flat-topped region of considerable extent. In oceanography, a bathymetric feature of broad extent elevated above the level of surrounding seafloor with a more or less flat top and steep sides. |
Pleistocene | Плейстоцен | Pleistotseen | Pleistoseeni | Period of geologic time extending from the end of Pliocene period around 2.6 million years ago up to the beginning of the Holocene period, 11700 years ago. |