Sanasto (englanti)

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Termi englanti Termi venäjäksi Termi viron kielellä Termi suomeksi Termin merkitys Valokuva
- Ложбина Pikaajaline veealune voolukanal Pitkittäinen vedenalainen virtausuoma


Узкое, вытянутое понижение морского дна, сформированное придонными течениями.
(Environmental) pressure - (Keskkonna)surve -

Pressures resulting from human activities which bring about changes in the state of the environment.

Abiotic Абиотический Abiootiline (elutu) Eloton


Abundance Численность (Обилие) Arvukus Runsaus

The total number of individuals of a taxon or taxa in an area, population, or community. Relative abundance refers to the total number of individuals of one taxon compared with the total number of individuals of all other taxa in an area, volume, or community. (at

Accretion Аккумуляция (2) Kuhjumine Akkreetio, Hiekan lisääntyminen

The accumulation of beach sediments, deposited by natural fluid flow processes.

Accumulation Аккумуляция (1) Akumulatsioon Kerrostuminen

The laying, placing, or accumulation of any specific material. The constructive process of accumulation into beds, veins, or irregular masses of any kind of loose rock material by any natural agent, such as the mechanical settling of sediment from suspension in water, the chemical precipitation of mineral matter by evaporation from solution, or the accumulation of organic material on the death of plants and animals. See also: Deposition, Sedimentation.

Acidification - Hapestumine -

Oceans take up a large part of the carbon dioxide that is emitted to the atmosphere. This leads to a gradual pH reduction and a reduction in calcium carbonate content. In the long term, this can have a major impact on species composition.

Aerobic Аэробный Aeroobne Aerobinen, hapekas

Organism, tissue or process, that 1) Contains oxygen 2) Lives or occures only in the presence of oxygen. See also Anaerobic.

Aged shoreline (relict shoreline, ancient shoreline) Древние береговые линии Vana rannajoon Muinaisranta

Border of the shores of ancient basins that alter during transgressions and regressions of the sea.

Algae Водоросли Vetikad Levä

The simplest plants forming of a polyphyletic group of organisms; may be single celled (such as diatoms) or quite large (such as seaweeds). Live in salt, brackish or freshwater.