Sanasto (englanti)

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Termi englanti Termi venäjäksi Termi viron kielellä Termi suomeksi Termin merkitys Valokuva
Hard clay Плотные глины Savikivim Kova savi

Is exposed glacial clay. If exposed on the seafloor there is often a thin layer of coarser materials like sand or/and gravel on top indicating erosion conditions. See: glacial clay.

Hazardous substances Загрязняющие вещества, загрязнители, поллютанты Ohtlikud ained Haitalliset aineet

(see more at and that are considered severely harmful to human health and the environment. Many are commonly used substances which are harmless in their normal uses, but are quite dangerous when released to environment. Because of quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, they may: (1) cause or contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating illness in living organisms; or (2) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when released or improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. The terms "hazardous substance" and "pollutant or contaminant" do not include petroleum or natural gas.

Helophytes Гелофиты Helofüüdid Helofyytti

Perennial rooted plants which have vegetative shoots both below and above water surface.

Heterotrophic algae Гетеротрофные водоросли Heterotroofsed vetikad Toisenvaraiset levät

Algae that take up organic molecules as a primary source of nutrition.

Higher water plants Высшие водные растения Kõrgemad veetaimed Korkeammat vesikasvit

Group of aquatic plants which belong to divisions Bryophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta and Magnoliophyta.

Holdfast / rhizoid Ризоид Risoidid Ritsoidi

A root-like structure that anchors aquatic sessile organisms, such as seaweed, other sessile algae, stalked crinoids, benthic cnidarians, and sponges, to the substrate.

Holocene Голоцен Holotseen Holoseeni

Period of geologic time spanning the last 11 700 years from the end of the Pleistocene period (and the end of the last ice age) to the present.

Home range Участок обитания Kodupiirkond Elinpiiri

An area, where the birds (paired) get food and rear offspring. Home range does not always coincide with the concept of "territory", which is usually smaller in size and is actively protected from intruders.

Hydrophytes Гидрофиты Hüdrofüüdid Upokaskasvi

Aquatic plants that grow wholly submerged in to water.

Hygrophytes Гигрофиты Hügrofüüdid, niiskustaimed Kosteikkokasvi

Plants living under conditions of plentiful moisture or very moist soil.