Skerries; Шхеры (шхерные берега); Skäär (ka kaljulaid); Luoto

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Of coastal zone formed with the areas of glacial erosion and accumulation. Characterized by the presence of the many islands (archipelago) and share their shallow straits. The term skerry is derived from the Old Norsesker, which means a rock in the sea. The Old Norse term sker was brought into the English language via the Scots language word which is spelled skerrie or skerry. It is a cognate of the words for skerry – Icelandic, Faroese : sker, Danish: skær, Swedish: skär, Norwegian: skjær / skjer, found also in German: Schäre, Finnish"kari", Estonian: skäär and Latvian: šēra. In Scottish Gaelic, it appears as sgeir, e.g. Sula Sgeir, in Irishas sceir, and in Manxas skeyr. The word is also probably related to the Italian word scoglio, sharing the same meaning.

Termin vene
Шхеры (шхерные берега)
Vene artikkel

От «skär» - мелкий скалистый островок (шв.) – берега, сформировавшиеся при затоплении областей ледниковой аккумуляции. Характерны узкие, глубоко вдающиеся в сушу заливы и большое количество островов.

Termin Soome keeles
Значение термина на финском

Pienen saaren yleisnimitys.

Term ee
Skäär (ka kaljulaid)
Estonian article

Kristalseist kivimitest koosnev kaljusaar.