Klassi mõiste
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Termin inglise keeles
Fresh water
Eestikeelne artikkel
(1) Is naturally occurringwateron theEarth's surface onice sheets,ice caps,glaciers,icebergs,bogs,ponds,lakes,riversandstreams, and underground as groundwaterinaquifersand underground streams. Fresh water is generally characterized by having lowconcentrationsof dissolvedsaltsand othertotal dissolved solids. The term specifically excludesseawaterandbrackish water. (2) Waters with mineralization (seeMineralization) that is below 1g per dm3 (Russian Federation GOST 27075-86).
Termin vene
Пресная вода
Vene artikkel
Вода с минерализацией ниже 1 г/л (ГОСТ 27075-86)
Termin Soome keeles
Значение термина на финском
Makea vesi tarkoittaa vettä, johon ei ole liuennut suolaa.
Term ee
Estonian article
Magevesi on vesi, mille soolsus on väiksem kui 0,5‰.