Sessile species; Прикрепленные виды; Sessiilsed liigid; Sessiili

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Sessile species
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(also fouling species, attached species, sedentary species, sedentaria) Sessility is a characteristic of invertebrates and primitive Chordata (Thunicata) such that they are not able to move about. Sessile animals are usually permanently attached to a solid substrate(see Periphyton). Sessile animals typically have a motile (free-living) phase in their development or resting phase (vegetative buds). Many sessile animals, including bryozoans, sponges, corals and hydra, are capable of asexual reproduction in situ by the process of budding.

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Также обрастатели, седентарные, см. также Periphyton.

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Sessiilsed liigid
Estonian article

Substraadile kinnitunud, aktiivselt mitteliikuvad liigid.