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Термин на Английском Термин на Русском Термин на Эстонском Термин на Финском Значение Фото
Littoral zone Литораль Litoraal Litoraali

The intertidal zone between high and low tides marks; the shallower shore waters of the continental shelf from 0 to 200 metres depth, a usage no longer recommended. The latter was divided into eulittoral and sublittoral. In lakes, littoral is applied to the zone from the waters edge to the lakeward limit of rooted aquatic vegetation, ca. 10 metres.

Live bait Наживка, живец Elavsööt Elävä syötti

Living items used as bait on a hook or in some other fashion, e.g. worms, fish, eggs, etc.

Macroalgae Макроводоросли Makrovetikad Makrolevät

Seaweeds (algae) visible to the naked eye.

Macrofauna Макрофауна, макрозообентос Makrofauna Makrofauna

Benthic organisms retained on a 0.3 mm (or larger) sieve.

Macrophytes Макрофиты Veetaimed, suurtaimed Makrofyytit

See Aquatic vegetation.

Mapping (Landscape mapping, etc) Картирование (картографирование) (ландшафтное картирование и т.д.). Kaardistamine (nt. maastiku) Kartoitus (maisemakartoitus)

Creating graphic representations of information using spatial relationships within the graphic to represent some relationships within the data. The common and original practice of mapping is the scaled portrayal of geographical features, that is,cartography(Wikipedia). Mapping includes also inventories collecting of knowledge of the environment. MSP generally uses maps to create a more comprehensive picture of a marine area – identifying where and how an ocean area is being used and what natural resources and habitat exist. Through the mapping process of a marine ecosystem, planners can consider the cumulative effect of maritime industries on our seas, seek to make industries more sustainable and proactively minimize conflicts between industries seeking to utilize the same sea area.

Marine (Sea) use(s) Морское природопользование Merekasutus (ed) Merialueen käyttö

Interactions between human and components of sea ecosystem initiated by human in order to fulfill various human needs, including nature conservation/

Marine landscape Подводный ландшафт Meremaastik Vedenalainen maisema

Marine landscapes are usually identified from the ecologically relevant environmental variables. SeeSeascape,Benthoscape

Marine litter - Mereprügi -

Plastic litter is of special concern since it degrades very slowly.Besides having effects on the environment, marine litter also has a strong socioeconomic dimension. Marine litter may affect human activities and health, reduce the value of tourism and recreation, or result in direct costs for removal. It can also damage fishing gear, contaminate catches or be a risk to navigational safety.

Marine Protected Area (MPA) Морская охраняемая территория (см. раздел Менеджмент) Merekaitseala Mereinen suojelualue

Defined by the IUCN as "Any area of intertidal or subtidal terrain, together with its overlying water and associated flora, fauna, historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment."