Sanasto (englanti)

Some of the interface text in Estonian and Finnish is machine-translated

Termi englanti Termi venäjäksi Termi viron kielellä Termi suomeksi Termin merkitys Valokuva
Biogeography Биогеография Biogeograafia Eliömaantiede

The study of the spatial and temporal distribution of species and ecosystems.

Bioluminescence Биолюминесценция Bioluminestsents Bioluminesenssi eli biologinen valontuotanto

The ability of certain organisms to produce light

Biome Биом Bioom (ehk makroökosüsteem) Biomi eli eloyhteisö

A high level in the ecological classification of associations between organisms; marinebiomes are commonly considered to include the intertidal, neritic, and bathypelagic.

Bioregionalization Биорегионализация Bioregionaliseerimine Bioregionalisaatio

A spatial representation depicting the boundaries of areas represented byeach level in a hierarchical classification of habitat types (provinces, biomes, habitat complexes,etc.)

Biotechnology - Biotehnoloogia -

Application of science and technology to living organisms, as well as parts, products and models thereof, to alter living or non-living materials for the production of knowledge, goods and services.

Biotic Биотический Biootiline Elollinen

With life. Describes a living component of a community, e.g. organisms.

Biotone Биотон Biotoon Biotoni

A zone of transition between core provinces. Biotones are not simply "fuzzy" boundaries but represent unique transition zones between the core provinces.

Biotope (ecotope) Биотоп Biotoop Biotooppi

Both the abiotic and biotic elements of habitats; physical habitats and their associated biota.

Biotope complex Комплекс биотопов Biotüüpide rühm Biotooppiryhmä

(also biotope network) Spatially and biologically related and connectedgroups of biotopes.

Bladderwrack Фукус пузырчатый Põisadru Rakkolevä

(Fucus vesiculosus) is a brown algae species. It is an important keystone species in the Baltic Sea, for example harbouring several invertebrate and fish larvae species.

 It is an important keystone species in the Baltic Sea, for example harbouring several invertebrate and fish larvae species.