Sanasto (englanti)

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Termi englanti Termi venäjäksi Termi viron kielellä Termi suomeksi Termin merkitys Valokuva
Bedrock Коренные породы Aluspõhi Kallioperä

A general term for the rock, usually solid, that underlies soil or other unconsolidated, superficial material.

A general term for the rock, usually solid, that underlies soil or other unconsolidated, superficial material.
Bench Бенч Bentš Pengermä, penger

A level or gently sloping plane; a shelf-like area of rock with steeper slopes above and below.

A level or gently sloping plane; a shelf-like area of rock with steeper slopes above and below.
Benthic Бентический, бентосный, донный Bentaal Benttinen

Bottom-dwelling, pertaining to the sea, lake or river bed.

Benthic-pelagic coupling Взаимодействие между дном и водной толщей Bentaal-pelaagiline ühendus Benttisen vyöhykkeen ja ulappavesien vuorovaikutus

The cycling of nutrients between the bottom sediments and overlying water column.

Benthos Бентос Põhjaelustik (ehk bentos) Pohjaeläimistö

Organisms which live on the bottom of a water body, in it or near it.

Benthoscape Бентошафт - Benthoscape

Benthoscape is comprised of suites of seabed habitats, where organisms live within or on the seabed, that consistently occur together. Sea Seascape, Marine landscape.

Beta (β) diversity Бета (β ) разнообразие Beeta(β)mitmekesisus Beeta-(β)diversiteetti

The species diversity measured between two or more sites within a bioregion.See also Biodiversity.

Biocoenosis Биоценоз Biotsönoos Biokenoosi

(also biocoenose or biocenose) "Living community"; formulated in 1877 by KarlMöbius, it is a concept synonymous with the modern term "ecosystem."

Biodiversity Биоразнообразие, биологическое разнообразие Bioloogiline mitmekesisus Biodiversiteetti, monimuotoisuus

Biological diversity; used by marine conservationists most commonly with respect to species diversity. Biodiversity can also encompass habitat or community diversity and genetic diversity within a species. With respect to measuring species diversity at increasingly broad spatial scales, α (alpha)-diversity refers to species diversity measured at the local scale comparing specific sites from different bioregions; beta-diversity refers to species diversity comparing sites from within a bioregion; and gamma-diversity refers to speciesdiversity comparing different bioregions measured at a number of sites.

Biogenic Биогенный Biogeenne Biogeeninen, eloperäinen

In geology, sediments or sedimentary rocks of biological origin, including in particular calcium carbonate and biogenic silica (opal).