Sanasto (englanti)
Some of the interface text in Estonian and Finnish is machine-translated
Termi englanti | Termi venäjäksi | Termi viron kielellä | Termi suomeksi | Termin merkitys | Valokuva |
Precautionary principle | Презумпция экологической опасности | Ettevaatusprintsiip | Varovaisuusperiaate | The guiding ecological principle that maintains only activities thathave been demonstrated not to damage ecological resources be permitted. Too often, however,activities are permitted until it has been demonstrated that they are harmful. |
Predictive spatial distribution modelling | Прогнозное моделирование пространственного распределения | Liikide või elupaiga leviku ruumiline modelleerimine | Lajien tai elinympäristöjen levinneisyyden mallintaminen | Aims at expanding a survey result to a continuous map layer showing the probability of occurrence of the target species or habitat in areas outside the actual sampling sites. First, the environmental conditions suitable for the target species or habitat are characterized, i.e. statistical models of species-environment relationships are constructed, and then the distribution of these environments in space is identified by combining the models with maps of the environmental variables in a geographic information system (GIS). The modelling outcome is a continuous probability map that is probabilistic in nature. |
Predictor variable | Независимая переменная | Sõltumatu muutuja | Ennustemuuttuja | See Explanatory variable. |
Primary dissected coast | Первично-расчлененные берега | Esmased rannikud | Primary dissected coast | Coast resulting from the ingress of the sea in the limits of sharply dissected sub-aerial processes of land areas. |
Probability distribution | Распределение вероятностей | Tõenäosusjaotus | Todennäköisyysjakauma | A distribution that shows all the values that a random variable can take and the likelihood that each will occur. |
Probability of occurrence | Вероятность нахождения | Esinemistõenäosu | Esiintymistodennäköisyys | Probability of a species to occur on a certain place. |
Production (Biological) | Биологическая продуктивность | Produktsioon, tootlikkus (bioloogiline) | Tuotanto (biologinen) | Rate of biomass produced by an ecosystem, generally expressed as biomass produced per unit of time per unit of surface or volume. Net primary productivity is defined as the energy fixed by plants minus their respiration. |
Quaternary | Четвертичный период | Kvaternaar | Kvartäärikausi | Period of geologic time extending from the end of Pliocene around 2.6 million years ago until present; collective term for the Holocene and Pleistocene periods. |
Rare species | Редкий вид | Haruldased liigid | Harvinainen laji | A species, which is scarce (for various reasons) within a certain territory. This can be related to the specifics of species' geographical distribution (occurrence at range borders), its biology, as well as to the influence of anthropogenic factors. |
Raster | Растр | Raster | Rasteri | Data type consisting of rows and columns of cells, with each cell storing a single value. A raster image is based on a grid of data. |