Sanasto (englanti)

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Nestlings Гнездовые птенцы Linnupoeg Poikaset

Hatch from eggs unformed, naked, blind and helpless. They stay in the nest for a long time and depend fully on their parents.

Newly-hatched fish larvae Личинки, предличинки Äsja koorunud kalavastne Vastakuoriutuneet kalanpoikaset

Very young fish larvae that still have the yolk sac and often occur close to the actual spawning and hatching grounds. Their survival is of great importance to the fish year-class strength.

Niche Экологическая ниша Ökoloogiline nišš Ekolokero, ekologinen lokero

The range of environmental variables (such as temperature, salinity, and nutrients) within which a species can exist and reproduce. The preferred (or fundamental) niche is theone in which the species performs best in the absence of competition or interference fromextraneous factors.

Niche overlap Перекрывание экологических ниш Niššide kattumine Ekolokerojen päällekkäisyys

An overlap in resource requirements by two species.

Nitrogen fixation Азотфиксация Lämmastiku sidumine/fikseerimine Typensidonta

The conversion of gaseous nitrogen to nitrate by specialized bacteria.

Non-indigenous species - Võõrliik -

See "invasive species".

Nuisance bloom Цветение водорослей Kahjulik veeõitseng Haitallinen leväkukinta

A rapid increase of one or only a few species of phytoplankton, resulting in densities high enough to cause discoloration of the surface.

Nutrient cycling Циклинг биогенов Toitainete ringlus Ravinteiden kierto

The processes by which elements are extracted from their mineral, aquatic, or atmospheric sources or recycled from their organic forms, converting them to the ionic form in which biotic uptake occurs and ultimately returning them to the atmosphere, water, or soil.

Nutrients Биогены, биогенные вещества Toitained Ravinteet

Inorganic substances, which are bioavailable for primary producers in soluble form. Accumulation of nutrients in marine and aquatic ecosystem is considered as a reason for increase of its trophic status (seeEutrophication, Secondary pollution).

Nutrients (2) Биогены (2) Toitained Ravinteet

The approximately 20 chemical elements known to be essential for the growth of living organisms, including nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and carbon.