Sanasto (englanti)

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Feeding area Нагульный участок Toitumisala Syönnösalue

A polygon feature that identifies an area where a specific species habitually feeds.

Feeding place Кормовой участок Toitumiskoht Ruokailupaikka

Part of home range used for foraging. It may include nesting territory, or be isolated from it.

Fetch Длина разгона волны Ajutee Pyyhkäisymatka

The unobstructed distance of ocean over which wind or waves can travel. See alsoWave exposure.

Filamentous algae Нитчатые водоросли Niitjad vetikad Rihmalevät

Annual or perennial algae with fine and filamentous thallus, growing attached to hard substrate or other organisms.

Annual or perennial algae with fine and filamentous thallus, growing attached to hard substrate or other organisms.
Filter feeding (also Seston feeding) Фильтраторы, сестонофаги Filtreerijad, filtertoidulised Ravinnon hankkiminen siivilöimällä

In zoology, a form of food procurement in which food particles or small organisms are randomly strained from water. Passive filter feeding (sessile animals that rely on currents for food delivery) is found primarily among the small- to medium-sized invertebrates and active filter feeding (mobile animals) occurs in a few large vertebrates (e.g., flamingos, baleen whales).

Fiord coast Фьордовый берег Fjordrannik Vuonorannikko

Coast with narrow and long bay with parallel and sub-parallel beaches and great depth, which formed as result of glacial activity, shifts in river valleys and tectonic rifts.

Fish larval habitat Местообитание личинок рыб, мальков Kalalarvide (vastsete) elupaik Kalojen poikasalue

After hatching, the surrounding environment of the newly-hatched fish larvae. See also Fish reproduction habitat. An area that provides the necessities of fish larval survival and growth.

Fish nursery habitat Местообитание молодых особей рыб (в русском языке не употребляется) Kala noorjärkude elupaik Nuorten kalojen elinympäristö

The surrounding environment of the young-of-the-year (YOY) juvenile fish. Usually the spatial coverage of the nursery habitat is larger than the larval habitat.

Fish reproduction habitat Местообитание воспроизводства рыб (в русском языке не употребляется) Kala kudemis- ja turgutusalad Kalojen lisääntymisalue

For some demersal fish species the spawning and larval habitats can be the same or exist very close to each other, and are referred to as the reproduction habitat.

Fish spawning habitat Нерестовый участок, нерестилище Kalade kudemisala Kalojen kutuhabitaatti

The specific area where the fish eggs are laid and, for the non-pelagic spawners, embryological development takes place. See also Fish reproduction habitat.An area that provides the necessities of fish spawning.