Sõnastik (inglise)
Some of the interface text in Estonian and Finnish is machine-translated
Termin inglise keeles | Termin vene keeles | Termin eesti keeles | Termin soome keeles | Termini tähendus | Foto |
Water flora | Водная флора | Veetaimed | Vesikasvilajisto | The sum of species of water plants. |
Water quality | Качество воды | Vee kvaliteet | Vedenlaatu | (Russian Federation GOST A characteristic for content and qualities (properties) of water. This characteristic is an estimate of usability of water for concrete types of water use. |
Water uses | Водопользование | Veekasutus | Vedenkäyttö | (Russian Federation GOST Use of water bodies for satisfaction of any needs of population and economies (See also GOVERNANCE TERMS) |
Waterfowl | Водоплавающие птицы | Veelinnud | Vesilinnut | A non-systematic definition of birds, which are associated (by distribution) with large water bodies, use them as feeding habitats and keep freely on the water surface |
Watershed | Водосбор | Veelahe | Valuma-alue | The region or area drained by a river, stream, etc. |
Waterweed | Элодея | Vesikatk | Vesirutto | A weedy aquatic plant of genus Elodea. |
Wave erosion coast | Берег абразионный | Rannaerosioon, murrutus | Eroosioranta | Receding shore, within which developed mainly abrasion landforms. |
Wetlands | Водно-болотные угодья | Märgalad | Kosteikko | Extensive territories covered with water or marshes, which are used by shorebirds and waterfowl for breeding or resting during their seasonal migrations. Wetlands received their official status (as Ramsar sites) in the context of the Ramsar Convention in 1971. |
Young-of-the-year (YOY) fish | Сеголеток, молодь рыбы | Sellesuvised kalade noorjärgud | Kesänvanha kalanpoikanen | Age-0 fish, which have not yet reached one year of age. Usually used in the end of summer for juvenile fish if hatched in spring or early summer. Abbreviated as YOY. |
Zooplankton | Зоопланктон | Zooplankton | Eläinplankton | Small, sometimes microscopic, animals that drift in the water column; protozoa, crustaceans, jellyfish, and other invertebrates that drift at various depths in the water columnare zooplankton. |