Sõnastik (inglise)
Some of the interface text in Estonian and Finnish is machine-translated
Termin inglise keeles | Termin vene keeles | Termin eesti keeles | Termin soome keeles | Termini tähendus | Foto |
Terrigenous | Терригенные отложения | Terrigeenne | Terrigeeninen, maalta tuleva, maalta peräisin oleva | Derived from the land or continent, as in terrigenous sediment. |
Thallus | Таллом, слоевище | Tallus | Sekovarsi | An undifferentiated plant body, such as in algae. |
Thermocline | Термоклин (слой скачка температуры) | Termokliin | Termokliini | Depth zone within which temperature changes maximally. |
Threatened species | Уязвимые виды | Ohustatud liigid | Uhanalainen laji | species: Species that face a high (vulnerable species), very high (endangered species), or extremely high (critically endangered species) risk of extinction in the wild. (http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.776.aspx.pdf). |
Till | Моренная глина, валунная глина | Moreen | Moreeni | Unsorted, unstratified mixtures of clay, silt, sand, and gravel (up to boulder size); the usual composition of a moraine. It is deposited directly by and underneath a glacier without subsequent reworking by water from the glacier. |
Trophic | Трофность водного объекта | Troofsus | Rehevyystaso | (Russian Federation GOST 30813 – 2002) A characteristic of production capacities of a water body. Remark – following the order of increase of production capacities, there can be identified groups of water-bodies, e,g, 3 – oligo-, meso- and eutrophic (see also BIOLOGY TERMS) |
Trophic cascade | Трофический каскад (трофическая цепь) | Troofiline kaskaad | Trofiakaskadi | A chain reaction of top-down interactions across multiple tropic levels. These occur when changes in the presence or absence (or shifts in abundance) of a top predator alter the production at several lower trophic levels. Such positive indirect effects of top predators on lower tropic levels are mediated by the consumption of mid-level consumers (generally herbivores). |
Trophic level | Трофический уровень | Troofiline tase | Trofiataso | The position of an organism in the food chain/web or "food pyramid," determinedby the number of transfers of energy that occur between the nonliving energy source andthat level. |
Trough | Прогиб, впадина | Kuristik | Kuru | Long depression of the seafloor, characteristically flat bottomed, steep sided, and normally shallower than a trench. |
Umbrella species | Зонтичный вид, вид-«зонтик» | - | Sateenvarjolaji | Species that have either large habitat needs or other requirements whose conservation results in many other species being conserved at the ecosystem or landscape level. |