Sõnastik (inglise)
Some of the interface text in Estonian and Finnish is machine-translated
Termin inglise keeles | Termin vene keeles | Termin eesti keeles | Termin soome keeles | Termini tähendus | Foto |
Aphotic zone | Афотическая зона | Valguseta sügavusvöönd (afootne [sügavus]vöönd) | Afoottinen | Deepest part of the water column, formally defined as depths with less than 1% of light penetration. |
Aquaculture | - | Vesiviljelus | - | Breeding, rearing, and harvesting of fish, shellfish, plants, algae and other organisms in all types of water environments. |
Aquatic vegetation | Водная растительность | Veetaimestik | Vesikasvillisuus | The sum of communities of hydrophytes and helophytes. |
Aquatic vegetation/plants/macrophytes | Водные растения, макрофиты | Veetaimed (ehk hüdrofüüdid) | Vesikasvit | Plants that have adapted to living in aquatic environments (saltwater or freshwater). They are also referred to as hydrophytes. |
Archipelago | Архипелаг | Saarestik | Saaristo | (1) Zone of the sea within which allocated islands are situated; (2) a group of islands. |
Asexual reproduction | Бесполое, вегетативное размножение | Sugutu paljunemine | Suvuton lisääntyminen | A mode of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single parent, and inherit the genes of that parent only; the primary form of reproduction for single-celled organisms, common in many macroalgae. |
Aspect | Аспект | Ekspositsioon, kalde suund | Kaltevuussuunta, Aspekti | The azimuth (compass bearing) that slopes are facing. |
Assemblage | Ассоциация | Liigid | Lajisto | Refers to all of the various species that exist in a particular habitat. A neutral substitute for "community" but implying no necessary interrelationships among species; also called species assemblage. |
Autotrophic algae | Автотрофные водоросли | Autotroofsed vetikad | Omavarainen levä | Algae capable of photosynthesis and growth using only dissolved inorganic nutrients for photosynthesis |
Backscatter | Бэкскаттер | - | Takaisinsironta | The seafloor backscatter is defined as the amount of acoustic energy being received by the sonar after a complex interaction with the seafloor. This information can be used to determine seabed substrate type, because different seabed substrate types "scatter" sound energy differently. |