Sõnastik (inglise)

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Termin inglise keeles Termin vene keeles Termin eesti keeles Termin soome keeles Termini tähendus Foto
Demersal Демерсальный, придонный Põhjalähedase eluviisiga Pohjalla elävä

Sinking; bottom (e.g. eggs which sink to the bottom or are deposited on the bottom); dependent on the bottom. Fish or other organism that live near the bottom of the ocean, of a lake or of a river, but capable of active swimming. Opposite of pelagic. See also Benthic.

Dependent variable Зависимая переменная Sõltuv muutuja Riippuva muuttuja

In statistical modelling, it is the event studied and expected to change whenever the explanatory/predictor variable is altered.

Deposit feeder Илоеды Detrivoor Vajonnutta orgaanista ainesta ravintonaan käyttävä eläin

An organism that derives its nutrition by consuming some fraction of a soft sediment.

Deposition Отложение, осадконакопление Sete Kerrostuminen, sedimentaatio

Material that is deposited; a deposit or sediment. See also: Accumulation, Accretion, Sedimentation.

Depositional Седиментационный Setteline Kerrostumis- , esim, kerrostumisallas, kerrostumisympäristö

(1) Pertaining to the process of deposition; e.g. a "depositional basin" or a "depositional surface"; (2) Formed by the process of deposition; e.g. a "depositional topography".

Diploid Диплоид, диплоидный Diploidsus Diploidi

Organisms whose cells have two sets of chromosomes.

Dominant species, or common species Доминирующий вид Dominantliik Valtalajit

A species, which prevails quantitatively in a certain ecosystem.

Drift deposits Подводные отложения гравитационных потоков и течений - Kinos, kinostuma

Elongate, flow-transverse sediment bodies, commonly deposited at the foot of continental slopes and associated with contour-following bottom currents (see also Contourites); commonly found at the mouths of submarine canyons and upon submarine fan systems.

Drumlin Друмлин Voor Drumliini

An elongated, whale-shaped hill formed by glacial ice acting on underlying unconsolidated till or ground moraine. The long axis of drumlins is usually aligned parallel with the movement of the ice, with its steeper slope facing into the direction of glacial movement. Drumlins are typically kilometers in length, less than 50 m in height, and hundreds of meters in width.

Drying beach Осушка (зона осушки) Pagurand Drying beach

Band of the bottom, dried in phases because of the wind negative setup and developed under the influence of both marine and subaerial factors.