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Alien species Чужеродные виды (также Инвазионные (инвазивные, инвазийные в разных варинтах написания), Вселенцы, Экзоты) Võõrliigid (invasiivsed, introdutseeritud liigid) Vieraslaji

[also Invasive species, Non-indigenous species, Exotics] An alien species is a species that does not naturally occur in a specific area. Also "Alien species" means, with respect to a particular ecosystem, any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores, or other biological material capable of propagating that species, that is not native to that ecosystem. Alien species are often harmful to ecosystem, but exceptions occur (e.g. genus Marenzelleria in the Baltic Sea).

Alpha (α) diversity Альфа (α) разнообразие Alfa(α)mitmekesisus Alfa-(α)diversiteetti

The species diversity measured at the local scale comparing two sitesfrom different bioregions. See also Biodiversity.

Anaerobic Анаэробные организмы (анаэробы) Anaeroobne Anaerobinen

Organism, tissue or process that requires the absence of oxygen or is not dependent of oxygen. See also Aerobic

Ancylus clay Анциловые глины Antsülusjärve savi Ancylus-savi, Sulfidi-savi

Deposited during the Baltic Sea phase Ancylus Lake. Is typically gray clay with black sulphide bearing intervals.

Ancylus Lake Анциловое озеро Antsülusjärv Ancylus-järvi

A large freshwater lake that formed in the Baltic Sea Basin between Yoldia and Litorina phases about 10800 and 8000 cal. years ago.

Angle of repose Угол равновесия Varikaldenurk Lepokulma

The angle attained on a slope comprised of unconsolidated sediments after avalanching, typically around 30–40o for quartz sand, depending on porosity and packing.The angle of repose is common in nature, occurring on the lee sides of migrating bedforms and among continental slope sediment deposits.

Annual Однолетник, однолетний Üheaastane Vuotuinen/yksivuotinen.

Organism that completes its whole life cycle within year.

Anoxia Аноксия Anoksia Happikato

(1) A condition in which oxygen is completely absent or depleted. (2) Severe hypoxia; lack of oxygen supply, e.g. to a body organ or tissue.

(1) A condition in which oxygen is completely absent or depleted. (2) Severe hypoxia; lack of oxygen supply, e.g. to a body organ or tissue.
Anoxic Бескислородный Anoksiline Hapeton

Environment or condition lacking oxygen. See also Hypoxia.

Anoxic sediments Анаэробные условия осадконакопления Hapnikuvabad setted Hapeton sedimentti

An area where the oxygen content of near-bottom water is low.