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Термин на Английском Термин на Русском Термин на Эстонском Термин на Финском Значение Фото
Sill Порог Künnis Kynnys

Seafloor barrier of relatively shallow depth restricting water movement between adjacent basins. In oceanography, the sill depth signifies the depth of water that a water mass must achieve in order to pass between basins.

Skerries Шхеры (шхерные берега) Skäär (ka kaljulaid) Luoto

Of coastal zone formed with the areas of glacial erosion and accumulation. Characterized by the presence of the many islands (archipelago) and share their shallow straits. The term skerry is derived from the Old Norsesker, which means a rock in the sea. The Old Norse term sker was brought into the English language via the Scots language word which is spelled skerrie or skerry. It is a cognate of the words for skerry – Icelandic, Faroese : sker, Danish: skær, Swedish: skär, Norwegian: skjær / skjer, found also in German: Schäre, Finnish"kari", Estonian: skäär and Latvian: šēra. In Scottish Gaelic, it appears as sgeir, e.g. Sula Sgeir, in Irishas sceir, and in Manxas skeyr. The word is also probably related to the Italian word scoglio, sharing the same meaning.

Slope Склон Nõlv Rinne

Any inclined surface, generally less steep than a cliff or escarpment.

Sonar Сонар Sonar Luotain

Acronym derived from the phrase "sound navigation and ranging"; method or equipment for determining water depth by underwater sound and also the presence, location, or nature of objects in the sea and the character of the seafloor.

Acronym derived from the phrase "sound navigation and ranging"; method or equipment for determining water depth by underwater sound and also the presence, location, or nature of objects in the sea and the character of the seafloor.
Spatial planning tool(s) Методы пространственного планирования Ruumilise planeerimise vahendid Aluesuunnittelutyökalu

Methods to perform integrated analyses on spatial and other data from the area under development.

Spatial resolution Пространственное разрешение Ruumiline resolutsioon Spatiaalinen resoluutio

Refers to the size of cells in a raster dataset at the current map scale. May range from low (>1000 m) to moderate (200-500 m) and high (0.5-25 m) and adequate resolution depends on the objectives of the study and on the scale of the analysis.

Spawning period Период нереста Kudemisperiood Kutuaika

A defined time period when spawning occurs.

Species Вид Liik Laji

A group of organisms all of which have a high degree of physical and genetic similarity, generally interbreed only among themselves, and show persistent differences from members of allied groups of organisms.

Species diversity Видовое разнообразие Liigiline mitmekesisus Lajidiversiteetti

Biodiversity at the species level, often combining aspects of species richness, their relative abundance, and their dissimilarity.

Species richness Видовое богатство Liigirikkus Lajirunsaus

Also "species diversity"; the number of species that occurs in an area. Seealso Biodiversity.