Term class
Biological terms
The term in English
Filter feeding (also Seston feeding)
English article
In zoology, a form of food procurement in which food particles or small organisms are randomly strained from water. Passive filter feeding (sessile animals that rely on currents for food delivery) is found primarily among the small- to medium-sized invertebrates and active filter feeding (mobile animals) occurs in a few large vertebrates (e.g., flamingos, baleen whales).
The term in Russian
Фильтраторы, сестонофаги
Russian article
Животные, питающиеся из толщи воды, взвешенными в нем веществом и организмами (сестоном).
The term in Finnish
Ravinnon hankkiminen siivilöimällä
Finnish article
Ravinnonhankintatapa, missä eläin siivilöi ravintokohteita vedestä.
The term in Estonian
Filtreerijad, filtertoidulised
Estonian article
Organismid, kes toidu saamiseks filtreerivad nad iga päev suure koguse vett läbi oma keha.