Term class
Basic terms
The term in English
Brackish water (subsaline)
English article
Water containing more salt than freshwater, but less than sea water. Forms by mixing of sea water with fresh water, e.g. estuaries (Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea). Technically brackish water contains from 0.5 to 30 grams of salt per litre
The term in Russian
Солоноватые воды
Russian article
Воды с минерализацией от 1 до 10 г на дм3 (ГОСТ 27065-86)
The term in Finnish
Finnish article
Sisämerien ja mereen laskevien jokien suiden vähäsuolainen vesi
The term in Estonian
Estonian article
Vähese soolasisaldusega mere- ja magevee segu. Riimvesi ehk soolakas vesi on vesi, mille soolsus jääb vahemikku 0,5...18‰ (mõningail andmeil 0,5...30‰)