Glossary (eng)

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Validation Валидация Valideerimine Validointi

Used in statistics to determine whether a model fits the data well. Several methods available.

Valley Долина Org Merenpohjan laakso

(also "sea-valley") Relatively shallow, wide depression, the bottom of which usuallyhas a continuous gradient. This term is generally applied to features found on the continentalshelf and is not used for features on the continental slope that have canyon-like characteristicsfor a significant portion of their extent (which are instead submarine canyons).

van Veen sampler Дночерпатель Ван-Вина Van Veeni kopp van Veen -näytteenotin

The Van Veen Grab Sampler is an instrument to sample sediment in the ocean.

Varve Варва, годичная лента Varv Lusto

(1) A sedimentary bed or lamina or sequence of laminae deposited in a body of still water within one year's time; specif. a thin pair of graded glaciolacustrine layers seasonally deposited, usually by meltwater streams, in a glacial lake or other body of still water in front of a glacier. A glacial varve normally includes a lower "summer" layer consisting of relatively coarse-grained, light-colored sediment (usually sand or silt) produced by rapid melting of ice in the warmer months, which grades upward into a thinner "winter" layer, consisting of very fine-grained (clayey), often organic, dark sediment slowly deposited from suspension in quiet water while the streams were ice-bound. Counting and correlation of varves have been used to measure the ages of glacial deposits; (2) Any cyclic sedimentary couplet, as in certain shales and evaporites s. See also rhythmite. (Glossary of Geology)

Varved clay Ленточные глины Viirsavi Lustosavi

A distinctly laminated sediment consisting of varves.

Vascular plants Сосудистые растения Soontaimed Putkilokasvit

Higher water plants.

Vicariance Викарирование Vikarism Vikarianssi

The subdivision of a continuously distributed biota by climatic and/or geologicalevents. The separation or division of a group of organisms by a geographic barrier, such asa mountain or a body of water, resulting in differentiation of the original group into newvarieties or species.

Vulnerability Уязвимость, чувствительность, восприимчивость Haavatavus Herkkyys, haavoittuvaisuus

Exposure to contingencies and stress, and the difficulty in coping with them. Three major dimensions of vulnerability are involved: exposure to stresses, perturbations, and shocks; the sensitivity of people, places, ecosystems, and species to the stress or perturbation,including their capacity to anticipate and cope with the stress; and the resilience of the exposed people, places, ecosystems, and species in terms of their capacity to absorb shocks and perturbations while maintaining function.

Vulnerable species Уязвимые виды Ohualdid liigid Vaarantunut laji

Species that face a high risk of extinction in the wild. See also Threatened species.

Waste Загрязняющее воду вещество, также Загрязняющее вещество Reostus Jäte

(See also Pollution, Hazardous substances) (Russian Federation GOST Substance that is present in water and whose presence causes deterioration of water quality. This term is also spread onto microorganisms (pathogenic and indicative for assessment of sanitary state) and thermal pollution.