Glossary (eng)

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The term in English The term in Russian The term in the Estonian The term in Finnish Term article Photo
Terrigenous Терригенные отложения Terrigeenne Terrigeeninen, maalta tuleva, maalta peräisin oleva

Derived from the land or continent, as in terrigenous sediment.

Thallus Таллом, слоевище Tallus Sekovarsi

An undifferentiated plant body, such as in algae.

Thermocline Термоклин (слой скачка температуры) Termokliin Termokliini

Depth zone within which temperature changes maximally.

Threatened species Уязвимые виды Ohustatud liigid Uhanalainen laji

species: Species that face a high (vulnerable species), very high (endangered species), or extremely high (critically endangered species) risk of extinction in the wild. (

Till Моренная глина, валунная глина Moreen Moreeni

Unsorted, unstratified mixtures of clay, silt, sand, and gravel (up to boulder size); the usual composition of a moraine. It is deposited directly by and underneath a glacier without subsequent reworking by water from the glacier.

Trophic Трофность водного объекта Troofsus Rehevyystaso

(Russian Federation GOST 30813 – 2002) A characteristic of production capacities of a water body. Remark – following the order of increase of production capacities, there can be identified groups of water-bodies, e,g, 3 – oligo-, meso- and eutrophic (see also BIOLOGY TERMS)

Trophic cascade Трофический каскад (трофическая цепь) Troofiline kaskaad Trofiakaskadi

A chain reaction of top-down interactions across multiple tropic levels. These occur when changes in the presence or absence (or shifts in abundance) of a top predator alter the production at several lower trophic levels. Such positive indirect effects of top predators on lower tropic levels are mediated by the consumption of mid-level consumers (generally herbivores).

Trophic level Трофический уровень Troofiline tase Trofiataso

The position of an organism in the food chain/web or "food pyramid," determinedby the number of transfers of energy that occur between the nonliving energy source andthat level.

Trough Прогиб, впадина Kuristik Kuru

Long depression of the seafloor, characteristically flat bottomed, steep sided, and normally shallower than a trench.

Umbrella species Зонтичный вид, вид-«зонтик» - Sateenvarjolaji

Species that have either large habitat needs or other requirements whose conservation results in many other species being conserved at the ecosystem or landscape level.