Glossary (eng)

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Integrative approach to field data collection Интегративный подход к сбору полевых данных Integreeriv/Lõimiv andmete kogumine Yhdennetty näytteenotto

An innovative combination of remote sensing methods (satellite imaging, acoustic scanning, photo and video documenting, including quantitative) with standard contact methods (sampling, measurement, analythical procedures) applied for receiving biological, geological and hydrophysical information through field investigations and monitoring. The approach is being developed and tested in conditilns of the Eastern Gulf of Finland through realization of the TOPCONS project and interdisciplinary co-operation within other projects.

Intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) Гипотеза среднего нарушения Keskmise häirituse hüpotees (IDH) Keskimääräisen häiriön hypoteesi (IDH)

A hypothesis postulating that the diversity ofspecies is controlled by the frequency of disturbances capable of removing biota from apatch of seabed. The greatest diversity is expected to occur in environments that experiencean intermediate frequency of disturbance in relation to the time required for the communityto recover.

Interpolation Интерполяция Interpolatsioon Interpolointi

A method of constructing a continuous data layer within the range of a discrete set of known data points in spatial form. Several methods, such Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighting, exist.

Interspecific competition Межвидовая конкуренция Liikidevaheline võistlus Lajienvälinen kilpailu

Condition in which one species' exploitation of a limiting resource negatively affects another species.

Invasive species Инвазионный вид, см. также Non-indigenous species Invasiivne võõrliik Vieraslaji

Alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to humans.

Alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to humans.
Invertebrate Беспозвоночные (Invertebrata) Selgrootud Selkärangaton (eläin)

An animal without a backbone or spinal column (i.e., not vertebrate).

An animal without a backbone or spinal column (i.e., not vertebrate).
Island Остров Saar Saari

Part of land in sea (or in equivalent water body, such as in lake), surrounded by water.

Island biogeography (theory of) Модели островной биогеографии Saarte biogeograafia (teooria) Saarieliömaantiede (teoria)

The number of species present on an island is proportionalto island area and its distance offshore from the mainland. Small remote islands generallyhave poorer species diversity than large mainland-proximal islands.

Kautsky sampler Пробоотбортник Каутского Kautsky proovivõtja (raam) Kautsky-näytteenotin

Quantitative sampler designed to collect underwater biomass samples from hard substrates while SCUBA diving. All biomass is scraped within a frame into a fabric bag and transported to surface for analyses.

Key species Ключевые виды Tugiliigid Avainlaji

(also Keystone species) A species whose impact on the community is disproportionately large relative to its abundance. Effects can be produced by consumption (trophic interactions), competition, mutualism, dispersal, pollination, disease, or habitat modification (nontrophic interactions).