Glossary (eng)

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Hypereutrophic Гиперевтрофный (высокоэвтрофный) Hüpereutroofne Erittäin rehevöitynyt

(sometimes referred to as supereutrophic) Water body which is fertile and has extremely high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen. It is rarely suitable for recreation and habitat for desirable aquatic species is limited.

Hypoxia Гипоксия Hüpoksia Vähähappisuus, hapenpuute

A condition in which there is oxygen deficiency in a habitat.

Hypoxic Гипоксийный Hüpoksiline, madal hapnikusisaldus Vähähappinen, hapenpuuttesta kärsivä

Partial lack of oxygen.

Hypsometric curve Гипсометрическая кривая, гипсографическая кривая Valgla kõrgusjaotuskõver Hypsometrinen käyrä

An empirical cumulative distribution function of elevations and/or depths. A curve that illustrates the relative portion of surface area occurring at different depths or elevations within a specified region.

Ichnofossils (ichnites, trace fossils) Ихнофоссилии Ihnofossiilid Iknofossiili

Fossilized behaviour of extinct organisms (traces, tracks, burrows, borings, footprints, nests, dung, gastroliths, burrow, stomach contents, etc.). Ichnofossils record the activity (movenment and behavior of animals). Trace fossils are most commonly represented in the geologic record by features formed through animal activity in a substrate of some sort, such as sediment, rock, or wood. These features include burrows, tracks, trails, and borings.

Indicator Индикатор Indikaator Indikaattori

Information based on measured data used to represent a particular attribute, characteristic, or property of a system, e.g., the amount of hazardous substances present in bird eggs can describe the state of the marine environment.

Indicator species Индикаторный вид Indikaatorliigid Indikaattorilaji

Species which reflects certain property of a system.

Infauna Инфауна Infauna Infauna, sedimentissä elävät eläimet

Animals that live within sediment.

Infralittoral Инфралитораль Sublitoraal Infralitoraali

Zone of the seabed below the low-water mark characterized by sufficient light to allow plant growth.

Inner sea Море внутреннее (эпиконтинентальное) Sisemeri Sisämeri

Entirely surrounded by firm ground and connected to ocean or near-by see by one or several straits. It is distinguished by apartness from the ocean and particular water exchange.