Glossary (eng)

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Fjord Фьорд Fjord Vuono

(Also spelled "fiord") Long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes formed by glacial erosion.

Flad Флад (в русском языке термин отсутствует) Laguun Flada

A shallow basin completely surrounded by land, leaving one or a few narrow openings to the sea slowly turning into land (The Glossary of Baltic university

Flood Наводнение Üleujutus Tulva

Inundation in result from increase water in lakes, rivers, sea and ocean, generated by strong rain, melting of ice, wind seiche and ect. Some flood may be dangerous for health of people and may be cause of devastating consequences in coastal zone.

Food web - Toiduvõrk -

The network of feeding relationships within an ecosystem or a community i.e. the predator-prey relationships.

Foraminifera Фораминифера Foraminifeerid Huokoseläimet

Are single-celled Protists with shells ("tests").

Founder principle Эффект основателя Rajajaefekt Perustajavaikutus

In genetics, the principle whereby a daughter population or migrant population may differ in genetic composition from its parent population because the founders of the daughter population were not a representative sample of the parent population. For example, if only blue-eyed inhabitants of a town whose residents included brown-eyed people decided to found a new town, their descendants would all be blue-eyed. Source:

Fresh water Пресная вода Magevesi Makeavesi

(1) Is naturally occurringwateron theEarth's surface onice sheets,ice caps,glaciers,icebergs,bogs,ponds,lakes,riversandstreams, and underground as groundwaterinaquifersand underground streams. Fresh water is generally characterized by having lowconcentrationsof dissolvedsaltsand othertotal dissolved solids. The term specifically excludesseawaterandbrackish water. (2) Waters with mineralization (seeMineralization) that is below 1g per dm3 (Russian Federation GOST 27075-86).

Gamma (γ) diversity Гамма (γ) разнообразие Gamma-mitmekesisus Gamma-(γ)diversiteetti

Species diversity comparing different bioregions measured at a numberof sites. See also Biodiversity.

Gas seepage Подводные газопроявления Gaasileke Kaasun tihkuminen, kaasun vapautuminen

Gas seeping from the sediment deposits e.g. from organic material.

Gas seeping from the sediment deposits e.g. from organic material.
Genetic drift Генетический дрейф (дрейф генов или генетико-автоматические процессы) Geenitriiv Geneettinen ajautuminen

Changes in allele frequencies that can be ascribed to random effects.